Wednesday, 1 September 2010

La creme de la creme.. or Red Bull Illume

In today's life it's easy to miss the best of what happens around you. There's too much happening and too fast..
That's why competitions like the Red Bull Illume exist, so they can show the best of the best, in one package! At the same time, the goal is to put the spotlight on those that deserve it, but are often forgotten.
While Red Bull is known for sponsoring surprising sports events it's often the people behind the story that deserve some attention. Tonights ceremony was all about that. Sports photographers from around the world were invited by Red Bull for an award ceremony, that gives these artist the respect they deserve.
The event took place in Trinity College, in the heart of Dublin.
The exhibition will be open everyday from 8pm to 10pm until the 11th Sept, and then it will follow to the next city in it's own world tour. Free admission :)

There is a book that you can buy (I didnt resist!) and a small booklet too. They have all the photos from the exhibition.

SPOILER ALERT: If you plan to go there, then do yourself a favor and DON'T SEE the photos below, as they are better appreciated in person.

Here are some pictures from the event, and a selection of the photos that caught my attention.
All photos are copyright of their own creators, as seen in the photos.

My congratulation to all the awarded photographers and also to the ones that didn't make the final cut.

The unveiling was about to start..


The story of Red Bull Illume

The Red Bull Illume book

Overall winner photo of Red Bull Illume

A proud award-winning photographer gets interviewed.

A 3D photo that made it's way to the final crop.

From Australia, 25h flight to be at the ceremony!

Category: Spirit

Category: Culture

Another interview, telling the story behind the photo.

The photographer enjoying a Red Bull

Myself next to the photos of my favorite sports photographer Sterling Lorence,
who was awarded for category Ilumination

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amazing post... keep up buddy!!!